Monday, May 28, 2007

Owls Off A-Cross


It's getting a bit too hot here to do much exploration but we did manage to get out for a short trip yesterday morning with Jean & Larry. We've been passing an old ranch on our travels so we thought we'd take a closer look. The place looked to be fairly modern, we haven't found any history on it yet, we'll have to ask some locals to fill in the gaps. We did learn that the Forest Service once used it as a fire station to cover the eastern end of The Tonto National Forest, Roosevelt district. A sign we found leads us to believe it might have been the Lazy S Ranch once upon a time.
The best part of the trip was finding three sleeping owls. Two flew away (sorry for disturbing your sleep guys) but one hung around to watch us and have his photo taken. I think they're either Whiskered Screech Owls or Flammulated Owls, not sure which but either way, they sure were cute.