He's five years old, salt & pepper, a bit pudgy but dieting (he fits right into our lifestyle) and packed with personality. He's housebroken with no real issues, well, maybe just a few, but we can work through his insecurities he's well past the puppyhood stage, just right for us.
He adjusted to our house immediately and decided WE could easily become trained to cater to his every whim, he's right. This morning we were up at 2:30 AM playing growly nip bark, in the den with a very rambunctious Mini Schnauzer...he decided we'd all had enough sleep and it was time to play.
He came to us named "Snoopy" no self-respecting Schnauzer (unless he's got Beagle aspirations) should be named Snoopy, so we've changed his name to "Growlph," .... a combination of GRrrrowl and Ralph, it seems fitting to name him after his Dad.
We're hoping he'll become our trail riding companion, he seems to ride well without getting carsick, he'll be a nice addition to our explorations.
We'd like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone who is looking for a terrific pet to consider one of the breed specific rescue groups, there are many of them out there, an internet search should yield the results you're looking for. There are a lot of great dogs looking for good, loving homes. Puppies are cute but there's a lot to be said for a mature dog who is well past the piddling on the floor, chewing your shoes stage.