The rains have finally stopped for a while. It rained all the way through the Christmas holiday, finally stopping for the new year. More rain is expected this weekend, but taking advantage of the brief respite from the soggy days we took a short jaunt to FR 83 up past 2-Bar Ranch. "Our" rancher neighbor told us about some more firewood on some property he's got, so we took a ride up into the hills to check it out. The road was fairly good, a bit of muddy in places, showing evidence of the recent heavy rains. In some places it was a bit rutted and rocky, but still quite passable. There's plenty of nice Mesquite firewood, it's not real easy to get to, but we'll manage, it'll be worth the extra effort to be able to cut firewood close to home. It was really good to be on the trails again, we've missed it. Hopefully, weather permitting, we'll be able to hit the trails again soon.A cushion of clouds circles the mountains afterthe rain.
Desert growth has had plenty of rain
The mountains are carpeted in greeneryThe view of the Superstitions is quite spectacular.

The road is in pretty good condition here.