Our neighbor, a terrific guy and real old-time western rancher, told us we could cut down a dead cedar tree on one of his properties. We're thrilled to get the firewood. Firewood is at a premium here in the desert and all too often it requires driving a long distance to forage or cut wood within the Tonto National Forest. Permits and time restraints imposed by the Forest Service can be a real pain as well as being an added expense.
We drove out through the desert this morning to the ranch property to begin cutting the old dead cedar tree. It smelled terrific while we were cutting it (like the inside of a hamster cage, sans the hamster) The day began clear and cool in the morning but soon warmed up to be a bit too hot to finish off the tree.
We'll go back even earlier next time before the heat of the day begins to get uncomfortable. It won't be long until Winter is upon us and we've got our woodstove fired up. We're sure looking forward to colder temperatures ......