Great run this morning! We took A-Cross Road to FR 895 all the way up to Thompson Mesa and then FR 97 across the mountains to Jack Shoe Ranch and back out on A-Cross Road, a great big loop. We'd tried this trip before but had to turn back because the road leading to the bottom of a steep canyon was made impassable by huge boulders. This time we made it all the way through. The Forest Service had cleared the boulders and the road leading down into and out of the canyon. The road was still very steep, but certainly doable with four wheel and skillful driving.
It's deer hunting season here, so we passed and saw more hunters than we'd like to see. Matter of fact, we did irritate at least a couple of them. We carry walkie-talkie radios to communicate with Larry and Jean and we overheard a couple of hunters on the same frequency saying, "with all this racket, we may as well quit watching this %$#&*! ridge."
Awwwww too bad fellas, maybe you'll have to find someplace else to drop your empty beer cans.
:::::insert exasperated snort here::::: dang city slickers.....
No car sickness to report today...a super trip, great weather, great friends, great temperatures and great Jeeping.