Our monsoon season has arrived, so we've had about three weeks of overcast skies with afternoon rains. It's been a much needed respite from the searing summer temperatures. We really welcome the days of little or no sunshine and temperatures with highs reaching the upper 80s and 90s as opposed to the 100º+ plus temperatures we were getting prior to the monsoon arrival.
We took off for a couple of hours of Jeeping early this morning. We figured the Apache Trail would be a good destination and wouldn't be too muddy and fortunately we were correct. We could see evidence of some pretty major water flows, displaced rocks around the washes and ditches deep in mud, but the trail itself was great.
Arizona is at its greenest right now. Trees, cacti and grasses are in full dress with each low lying area awash with varying shades of green. The mountains are cloaked with rolling clouds pouring through the canyons and ridges. It's quite a sight to see and well worth the trip.
We headed for Fish Creek Canyon, a beautiful spot along the Apache Trail in the Superstitions, water flow and eons of erosion has formed some spectacular scenery.
Along the way we were rewarded by sighting a pair of White Tail Deer and on the way back, we disturbed a small (about 2 feet) Western Diamondback Rattle Snake sunning himself in the road.
It was so good to get out and visit one of favorite backroad areas again.
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